Innovative Painting Tools for Artists & Hobbyists

Created by Kit at Game Envy

The All New Pop-Up Rinse Cup, Magical Sinking Brush Scrubby and Go-To Detail Brush Set for Miniature Painters and Artists of All Kinds

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Just a Few Hours Left to Support the New Exemplar Wet Palette Sizes and Special Editions!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 10:30:40 PM

We are in the final stretch of the Exemplar Wet Palette Returns with New Sizes & Next Gen Refills campaign.Support Today!

There are just a few hours left to support the new Exemplar GO, Exemplar MEGA and upgraded Exemplar PRO Wet Palettes, a firm favorite of tens of thousands of artists around the world! Pledge today to score special limited editions and deals on the best miniature painting gear like our LUCENT Art Light and Hobby Holder All-In-One Painting Handle & Grip, PLUS score the Furballs of Fury STL miniatures, new The Order of the Miniature Stickers and more, FREE! 

All Game Envy Exemplar Colors Unlocked!

All five striking color options are now available in each of the Game Envy Exemplar sizes bringing the total number of style options to eighteen!

Last Chance to Guarantee a Special Edition

Turbo Dork Special Edition Exemplar GO Bundle

The Furballs of Fury STL Miniatures Preview

The catventurer group known as the Furballs of Fury has been spotted! The Pawladin, Purrserker, Sorcerhiss and Swishbuckler STL Miniatures have all be unlocked and are free to our amazing backers. 

New The Order of the Miniature Recruits

The Order of the Miniature gets three new sticker designs for backers: the Paladin of Pigment, Spruemancer and Superglue Sorceress. 

What Painters Are Saying

In his wonderful Hobby Cheating series, the estimable Vince Venturella discusses lighting and wet palettes and shares his thoughts on, and recommendations for, the Exemplar Wet Palette and LUCENT Art Light!

Thanks for your support,
Kit, Ali and Derek

Game Envy | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

New Exemplar Wet Palette + LUCENT Art Light Campaign LIVE!
2 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 06:08:21 AM

The Exemplar Wet Palette Returns! New Sizes & Next Gen Refills

Game Envy's Renowned Mini Painting Wet Palette Gets Two New Sizes, the GO and MEGA + Enhanced Palette Paper and Dual Density Sponges.

With this campaign we are proud to introduce two new sizes of the Exemplar Wet Palette, the Exemplar GO and the Exemplar MEGA to cater to the needs of even more artists and hobbyists. These new sizes come with the same amazing features that have made the Exemplar the best wet palette for miniature painters along with some improvements to the full line!

Check out the Campaign!

Innovative Painting Tools Main Shipping is a Complete! Wrapping up the Rest.
7 months ago – Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 10:27:07 AM

4,500 Packages Out the Door!

We did it folks. The main part of fulfillment is complete. I want to sincerely thank everyone for their patience as we worked through fulfillment. It was a long three months, and I know it was tough for those of you at the end when backers had been receiving their pledges early on. While this was our 5th Kickstarter and we have tens of thousands of pledges under our belts we are still a small company and we continue to learn and grow. We will be using this experience in our future campaigns to help everything run more smoothly and get pledge out the door more quickly! We do have some very exciting new gear coming out over the next several months, so keep a lookout :D


Tidying Up

As of writing this we have about 50 packages still needing to be shipped. This is a mix of Stock Your Stores pledges we still need a response from our email, backers that just filled out their surveys in the last 2-3 weeks, pledges we are needing additional address information from, and a couple I'm not sure why they are there. We will be reaching out again we need info from still.

Stock You Store Pledges

We sent an email about a month ago asking for confirmation on shipping or if you wanted to add additional items to your pledge. If you replied, your pledge has been shipped whichever way you choose. If we haven't received a response, your pledge is packed and will be shipping those out shortly as pledged. If you would still like vendor portal access please email us.


If you filled out the survey in the last several weeks your pledge was not slid into the queue, but added to the end. We are packing these few now and you should be receiving tracking shortly.

Missing/Damaged/Incomplete Pledges + Address Issues

We are working through the remaining and new support requests from missing/damaged/incomplete pledges now. Even if we have not responded rest assured your support request is still logged and being taken care of! In addition to support we are reaching out to pledges where the address information was not verifying or was incomplete, so that we can get you your pledge.

Preorders / Late Backers

Now that the main part of fulfillment is complete we have begun packing and preparing all the late pledges and preorders. These will be shipping shortly!

If you have an issue with your pledge, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.


Happy Painting

As I shared, our 3yo daughter had taken an interest in painting, and this guy now sits proudly on the display shelf above my desk in all its rainbow glory. She really loves rainbows and it shows XD

Such Color! Much Paint!

There should be another update or two as things wind down and as we have some info to share on what's next. In the mean time, let us know if you need anything and happy painting!

Kit, Ali, and Derek

Game Envy | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter (X?)

Innovative Painting Tools Fulfillment Update - SO CLOSE!
7 months ago – Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 02:35:20 PM

Hello hello hello!

Apologies that this update is coming a little later than I was hoping. We know there are still folks out there who have not received their pledges yet and we thank you so much for your patience! We want to assure you we have not idle, so let's get into the goings on.

Fulfillment Update

We have been working with FedEx to get a new rate & label system integrated that would enable us to ship a majority of the remaining pledges via the MUCH MORE RELIABLE FedEx network. This took a lot more work than expected by both parties, but it is finally setup and ready to go! This is a cost we are absorbing to make sure the remaining pledges arrive quickly and without indecent.

As I mentioned in the comments, we now have all the remaining pledges packed and they being sorted and labeled or awaiting labels to head out the door. Shipments are being input into the new system NOW, and as early as tomorrow, they will begin to head out via FedEx instead of USPS.

If you have not been sent a tracking number yet, your pledge has not shipped. No need to worry, it will be shipping very soon. If you are not sure if you got a tracking number, you can log into your BackerKit account, and if it was sent, it will be listed there. We will post an update announcing all shipments have gone out when fulfillment is complete.


If you have an issue with a shipped pledge, whether it went missing, was damaged, mispacked, etc., please reach out via email to [email protected] for assistance. We are monitoring and docketing all support requests and you will be taken care of in approx. 72 hours while fulfillment is ongoing!

Fun Stuff

A really exciting thing happened last week... 1/4 of my children have expressed interest in miniature painting! She was watching me paint the Party Pinata (that was modeled after her) and asked if she could paint something too :D I even had some minis ready to go for just this occasion haha.

She was very careful (for a 3y/o) and even practiced proper brush care using the new pop-up cup.


You are all amazing!

Kit, Ali, and Derek

Game Envy | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Innovative Painting Tools Fulfillment Update, Thank You, Pinata Files, Retailer Pledges, NOVA Open
8 months ago – Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 10:20:37 PM

Hello Amazing People!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the end of the summer and is excited for their seasonal allergies to kick in XD This week was 3/4 of our kiddos' first week of school, and our oldest told his teacher he wants to be an inventor just like his papa (which he believes is a much more glamorous career). Joking aside we have been diligently working on completing fulfillment, so everyone can start using their new gear! We have been hearing AMAZING feedback on everything and we cannot wait until everyone has their new gear.


Fulfillment Update

Another day, another wall of pledges!

We sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding while we finish up fulfillment. I have just uploaded the most recent tracking numbers from today, and we are at just about 78% complete with more than 3k pledges shipped! Also, to help move things along I added another part-time pledge packer to the roster while we close in on the end of fulfillment.

Now this means there are still 22% of the pledges left to ship... SO we spent some time this week discussing a good meaningful way to say "Thank you for sticking it out," and what we settled on was what got Game Envy it's start. Every pledge shipped from here on out will be receiving a free Hobby Holder 2-Part Set as a thank you for waiting gift.

While thousands of backers have received their pledges I know some of those still waiting are a little frustrated with the longer-than-estimated fulfillment period. Please remember, the goal was the end of July as stated on the campaign, so we are only 4 weeks behind at the moment on a 2000% funded campaign (which we are so thankful for your support on).

If you need any assistance, please reach out to [email protected]


Paint Party Pinata

You all should have received an email from BackerKit today with a link to download the STL files for the Paint Party Pintata Miniature sculpted by the wonderful Bobby Jackson! If your email is lost in the ether, you are able to log into your BackerKit account and the files will be available there as well. In the file I included some variations, so you will get the Paint Party Pinata Girl (w/ Brush), the Party Pinata Girl (w/ Stick) as well as a stand alone Party Pinata sculpt!

The white metal cast Paint Party Pinata Girl

 PLEASE tag @hobbyholder or #gameenvy if you post photos of them painted as we REALLY want to see what you all do with them!


Retailer Pledge Update

As I mentioned, we have been creating a brand new vendor portal on the Game Envy site so the Stock Your Store pledges can add additional items (we did this to reduce the fees associated with doing it through the pledge manager to provide the best prices). We expected to send this out earlier but had to squash some bugs. Three Stock Your Store backers testing it now and making sure everything works as expected then we will send the rest of the invitations out later this week!



Will you be at NOVA Open in DC this week? If so, be sure to stop by the Game Envy booth and say hey! If not, maybe add it to your list of conventions next year :D It is a fantastic time with lots of painting classes and gaming not to mention the fantastic museums and activities around Washington, D.C..

We did receive some requests to pick up pledges at the convention, and we will be able to accommodate this. Please let us know ASAP if you would like to so we can bring the appropriate gear for you!


You are all amazing!

Kit, Ali, and Derek

Game Envy | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter (X?)

P.S. My kids wanted to let everyone know a toad (Chunk) has decided to move into our garden to prepare to hibernate for winter.
